2025 H. ‘Age of Gold’
Hybridizer: H. Hansen Intro: Walters Gardens
Plant: 66.0 Inches spread, 29.0 Inches high
Leaves: moderately corrugated leaves have smooth margins
Flowers: White Shades, blooms mid-summer

2025 H. ‘Party Streamers’
Hybridizer: H. Hansen
Plant: 12.0 Inches tall, 31.0 Inches spread
Leaves: Long, narrow, wiggly yellow leaves
Flowers: Deep purple flowers, bloom in mid to late summer

2024 H. ‘Terms of Endearment’
Hybridizer: H. Hansen Intro: Walters Gardens
Plant: 66.0 Inches spread, 29.0 Inches high
Leaves: moderately corrugated leaves have smooth margins
Flowers: White flowers poke up just above the foliage in early to midsummer. An improvement on the classic Hosta ‘Frances Williams’.

2024 H. ‘Dancing With Dragons’
Hybridizer: H. Hansen Intro: Walters Gardens
Plant: 43.0 Inches spread, 18.0 Inches high
Leaves: Heart-shaped leaves have margins that are heavily rippled and give the hosta an overall wavy appearance. As an added bonus, ‘Dancing with Dragons’ holds its beautiful blue color throughout the season.
Flowers: Near white flowers top the habit in late summer

2023 H. ‘Trendsetter’
Hybridizer: H. Hansen Intro: Walters Gardens 2019
Plant: 40 in. ( 101.6 cm) diameter, 12 in. (30.5cm) high
Leaves: Relatively flat overall with a twisted tip; green with yellow margins that turn creamy white
Flowers: Lavender in mid-summer

2023 H. ‘Cool as a Cucumber’
Walters Gardens 2012
Plant: 48in. (121.92 cm) diameter, 32in (81.28 cm) high
Leaves: Creamy white with medium green margins
Flowers: Near white in mid-summer

2019 H. ‘Wiggles and Squiggles’
Walters Gardens (NR)
Plant: 24 in. ( 60.96 cm) diameter, 8 to 10 in. (20.32to 25.40 cm) high
Leaves: Strongly rippled and ruffled; chartreuse in shade, bright yellow in sun
Flowers: Lavender in mid-summer

2019 H. ‘Diamonds are Forever’
Walters Gardens 2009
Plant: 16 in. (40.64 cm) diameter, 10 in. (25.40 cm) high; mound-like; medium
Leaf: 4.5 in (11.43 cm) long, 3.5 in. (8.89 cm ) wide; 6 to 7 vein pairs; medium green; white margin, dull on top, slightly shiny bottom; flat. broadly ovate
Scape: 16 to 22 in. (41 to 55.9 cm) long; green
Fower: Deep purple; 2.5 in (4.4 cm) long; tubular; Zeeland, MI – June 1 – July 15
Clump History: original sport obtained from TC; 5 yrs old; Zeeland, MI
[Sport of H ‘Diamond Tiara’]

2018 H. ‘Half and Half’
Naylor Creek Nursery (ONIR) 2014
Plant: 10 in. (25 cm) diameter, 12 in. (30 cm) high; mound-like; medium.
Leaf: 4.50 in. (11 cm) long, 3.25 in. (8 cm) wide; 10 to 12 pairs of veins; pure white; dark green margin; flat; dull on top; glaucous bloom underneath; lightly cupped; broadly ovate; cordate base; petiole is white center.
Scape: 10 to 12 in. (25 cm) long; creamy white.
Flower: 2 in. (5.58 cm) long; tubular; Zeeland, MI – July 15 to Aug 15
Clump History: original sport obtained from TC; 2 yrs old; Zeeland, MI
Notable Characteristics: center emerges white and is pure white by midsummer
Seasonal Variation: pure white center by midsummer
[Sport of H. ‘Lakeside Cupcake’]

2018 H. ‘Afterglow’
Walters Gardens, Inc. (ONIR) 2012
Plant: 36 in. (91 cm) diameter, 20 in. (51 cm) high; mound-like; medium.
Leaf: 10.00 in. (25 cm) long, 8.00 in. (20 cm) wide; 14 to 16 pairs of veins; medium green; yellow margin; flat; dull on top; glaucous bloom underneath; moderately corrugated, lightly flat; nearly round; Cordate base
Scape: 28 to 32 in. (71 cm) long; medium green.
Flower: 3 in. (8.12 cm) long; striping on inside, translucent margin on outer tepla edges; tubular; Zeeland, MI – June 1 to July 15.
Seed: medium green seed pod
Clump History: original sport; 3 yrs old; Zeeland, MI.
Notable Characteristics: extra-wide gold margin and green center
[Sport of H. ‘Climax’]

2017 H. ‘Hans’
Walters Gardens (PPAF) 2016
Plant: 32in. diameter 21 in. high slow grower
Leaves: rugose blue-green: cream center: narrow green pattern between the blue and cream layers
Scape: 20 in. long
Flower: pale lavender in late spring
Seasonal variation: Cream center becomes flushed with green streaks in late summer
Much improved sport of H. ‘Andrew’
[Both are sports of H. ‘Blue Mammoth’]

2017 H. ‘Wrinkle in Time’
Walters Gardens (PPAF) 2016
Plant: 29 in. diameter 9 in high fast grower suitable for edging
Leaves: wavy: yellow margins: green center
Scape: 15 in long
Flower: lavender in midsummer
[Sport of H. ‘Pilgrim’]

2016 H. ‘Neptune’
H. Hansen (ONIR) 2006
Plant: 47 in. (119 cm) diameter, 24 in. (61 cm) high; mound like; medium.
Leaf: 13 in. (33 cm) long, 7 in. (18 cm) wide; 9 pairs of veins; medium blue-green; rippled; glaucous bloom on top; glaucous bloom underneath; lightly wavy; ovate; flat base;
Scape: 32 to 39 in. (81 cm) long;
Flower: 2.25 in. (6.21 cm) long; tubular; Waseca, MN – Aug 15 to Oct 1;
Seed: sets viable seed, green seed pod;
Clump History: original seedling; 7 yrs old; Waseca, MN;
Notable Characteristics: arching scapes
Seasonal Variation: bluest in spring
[(H. ‘Maekawa’ x ‘Halcyon’) × H. ‘Salute’

2016 H. ‘Happy Dayz’
Naylor Creek Nursery (ONIR)
Plant: 26 in. (66cm) diameter; 12 in. (30.5 cm) high; mound like, medium growth rate.
Leaf: 6.5 in. (16.5 cm) long; 4.5 in. (11.4 cm) wide; 10 to 11 vein pairs, greenish-yellow, .5 to .75 in. (1.3 to 1.9 cm) dark blue-green margin, dull on top, glaucous bloom underneath, rounded base, broadly ovate, slightly wavy, petiole yellow-green center.
Scape: 12 to 16 in. (30.5 to 40.8 cm) tall; yellow-green
Flower: 2.5 in. (6.4 cm) long; pale lavender, tubular, Zeeland, MI 7/15-8/15
Seed: seed set unknown
Clump History: Sport obtained from tissue culture, 2 yrs. old, Zeeland, MI.
Notable Characteristics: blue-green margin with variable bright yellow parchment center, frequently with a light wave to leaf.
Parentage: Sport of H. ‘Orange Marmalade.’

2015 H. ‘Bridal Falls’
J. van den Top (OIR) Walters Gardens 2012
Plant: 24 in. diameter 18 in. high, mound-like, fast
Leaf: 8 in. long, 6 in. wide; 10to 11 pairs of vins; dark green; creamy white margin; flat; dull on top; glaucous bloom underneath; intensely wavy; broadly ovate; Cordate base
Scape: 20 to 24 in. long; green
Flower: 2.75 in. long; translucent margins on the inner three tepals, faint striping; tubular; Zeeland, MI – June 1 to July 15;
Seed: sets viable seed; green seed pod
Clump History: original sport; 2 years old; Zeeland, MI
Notable Characteristics: deeply impressed veins, wavy margins
Seasonable Variation: cream yellow margins becoming cream white
[Sport of unknown parent]

2015 H. “Joy Ride’
H. Hansen (PPAF) 2012 NR
Plant: 36 in. diameter 16 in. high
Leaf: very wavy, longitudinally folded; blue-green
Scape: 24 in.
Flower: light lavender; widely flared; tubular

2014 H. ‘Ice Follies’
Meyer (PPAF) 1998
Plant: 26 in. diameter, 18 in. high
Leaf: 9 in. long, 4 in. wide; 9-19 vein pairs. Dark green; pure creamy white margins; elongated, pointed
Scape: 26 in. Flower: Pale lavender; midseason [ Probable tetraploid sport of ‘Antioch]

2014 H. ‘Rubies and Ruffles’
G. R. Goodwin (ONIR) 2009
Plant: 24 in. (61 cm) diameter, 15 in. (38 cm) high; upright to mound; medium.
Leaf: 5 in. (13 cm) long, 3 in. (8 cm) wide; 6 pairs of veins; dark green; creamy white margin; heavily rippled; slightly shiny on top; lightly cupped; lightly folded; lightly wavy; lightly corrugated; ovate; tapered base; petiole is dark red.
Scape: 24 to 36 in. (61 cm) long; dark purplish-red.
Flower: 1.5 to 2 in. (4.31 cm) long; light striping; translucent margins; tubular; Zionsville, IN – Aug 15 to Sep 5;
Seed: dark purple seed pod;
Clump History: the original sport; 9 yrs old; Zionsville, IN;
Notable Characteristics: dark green blade with a ruffled white margin; contrasting all with red petioles
[Sport of seedling of unknown parentage]

2013 H. ‘Linda Blue’
G. Wogoman (ONIR) 2007
Plant: 76 in. (193 cm) diameter, 30 in. (76 cm) high; mound-like; medium.
Leaf: 16 in. (41 cm) long, 12 in. (31 cm) wide; 18 to 20 pairs of veins; intensely blue-green; slightly rippled; glaucous bloom on top; glaucous bloom underneath; moderately corrugated; broadly ovate; cordate base;
Scape: 30 to 35 in. (76 cm) long; green.
Flower: 2 in. (5.58 cm) long; tubular; W. Alexandria, OH – June 1 to July 15; 6/10-6/30-7/15; *codes 2,2,2;
Seed: sets pod; green seed pod;
Clump History: the original seedling; W. Alexandria, OH;
Notable Characteristics: exceptional powder blue color with corrugation and rippled edge
Seasonal Variation: powder blue in spring holds color well
[Parentage Unknown]

2012 H. ‘Homecoming Queen’
B. Bailewicz (NR)
Plant: Large, upright, gold
[H. ‘High Noon’ x H. ‘Big John’]

2011 H. ‘Empress Wu’
B. & V. Skaggs (OIR) B. & B. Skaggs (N) 2008
Plant: 108 in. (274 cm) diameter, 50 in. (127 cm) high; mound-like; fast.
Leaf: 28 in. (71 cm) long, 25 in. (64 cm) wide; 17 to 18 pairs of veins; dark green; flat; slightly shiny on top; glaucous bloom underneath; moderately flat; broadly ovate; cordate base;
Scape: 46 to 58 in. (117 cm) long; green.
Flower: 3 in. (8.12 cm) long; feint veining; tubular; Lowell, IN
Seed: sets viable seed; green seed pod;
Clump History: the original seedling; 6 yrs old; Lowell, IN;
Notable Characteristics: Huge size, less mature plants quite upright, upon maturity center leaves push outer leaves to sweep the ground.
Seasonal Variation: slightly glaucous coat on top in spring
[H. ‘Big John’ × H. ‘Big John’]

2010 H. ‘Hosta College’
B. Bailewicz (NR)
Medium-Large: Solid dark green hosta
Unknown parentage

2009 H. ‘June Fever’
J. van den Top (OI) D. Van Eechaute (NR) 2004
Plant: 30 in. (76 cm) diameter, 15 in. (38 cm) high; mound-like; medium.
Leaf: 5 in. (14 cm) long, 3 in. (7 cm) wide; 8 pairs of veins; golden yellow; dark green margin; flat; slightly shiny on top; slightly shiny underneath; moderately flat; ovate; rounded base; petiole is light green.
Scape: 19.5 to 27 in. (50 cm) long; light green.
Flower: 1.75 in. (4.95 cm) long; tubular; Astene-Deinze, Belgium – July 15 to Aug 15; 7/8-7/20-8/5; *codes 6-7-7;
Seed: sets viable seed; greenish-yellow seed pod;
Clump History: original sport; 5 yrs old; Astene-Deinze, Belgium;
Notable Characteristics: sun tolerant; unusual colors
Seasonal Variation: center becomes chartreuse by midsummer
[Sport of H. ‘June’]

2007 H. ‘Blast Off’
H. & D. Benedict (OR) 1995
Plant: 72 in. (183 cm) diameter, 30 in. (76 cm) high; mound-like; fast.
Leaf: 16 in. (41 cm) long, 13 in. (33 cm) wide; 15 pairs of veins; green gold; slightly rippled; very shiny
on top; very shiny underneath; cordate base;
Scape: 35 to 40 in. (89 cm) long;
Flower: 2 in. (5.58 cm) long; tubular; Michigan – late June – late July;
Seed: sets viable seed;
[H. ‘Mikado’ × H. ‘Dorothy Benedict’]

2001 H. ‘Great Lakes Gold’
D. & J. Ward (ONIR) 2000
Plant: 66 in. (168 cm) diameter, 22 in. (56 cm) high; Mound; moderate.
Leaf: 12 in. (31 cm) long, 10 in. (25 cm) wide; 18 pairs of veins; golden yellow; slightly rippled; dull on top; dull underneath; cordate base;
Scape: 27 to 29 in. (69 cm) long; green.
Flower: .5 in. (1.77 cm) long; tubular; Columbus, OH – June 15 – July 1;
Seed: sets pod; green seed pod;
[H. ‘White Vision’ × H. Montana macrophylla]